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Saturday, March 26, 2011

blog #7 - Bethenny Ever After

I never really thought about the actual number of reality shows there are out there now until we talked about them in class on Thursday.  It is crazy just trying to think of them all.  It seems like every couple of months there is a new reality show that comes out and it is becoming difficult to keep up with them all.  There is so much competition out there with reality shows these days that some shows go on for what seems like forever and some just seem to disappear after a season or two. 
I do like watching reality television.  It is kind of funny though because I do end up watching some episodes of a reality show that I may not like, but once I flip through the channels and watch it for a minute or two I become sort of glued to it and end up watching an entire episode.  It is so true that there is just something about reality shows that just intrigue us.
The reality show that I watched was Bethenny Ever After which is on Bravo.  I do not know why but I really like that show.  I find it to be quite entertaining to watch.  Although if I really think about it, why am I or other fans of the reality show so entertained by watching other people just basically live their everyday lives? 
The show is basically about Bethenny Frankel's life after getting married and recently having their baby, Bryn as well as how she juggles everything else in her life such as with her business.
I feel that a lot of the situations on the show are real, but of course we do not get to see everything and shows are always edited and definitely staged to keep things entertaining as we all know.  But for the most part I think most of the situations are real.  I think the main person Bethenny is real as she can be on the show because she is definitely not afraid to say what is on her mind and just basically be herself on tv.  She also lets viewers into a more personal part of her life by airing some of the time of when she visits her therapist.  I think a lot of people, mainly women, find this interesting to watch because it seems to be real and may help a lot of people that may have gone or are going through a similar situation.
It is also pretty funny to watch because as we all know producers of reality television are just waiting for embarrassing and insane events to be included in 'next weeks' episode.
Interestingly, I think this show is just one where most of the viewers/fans of the show just want to see the person do well in life and just be able to see how she deals with her past and present struggles hoping that everything works out.
I know how we talked about how there are some reality shows where the main entertainment of the show may come from watching other people suffer in some way, such as watching fights, but I do not think that this show goes for this at all.  I find this to be interesting because I know a lot of other shows that most of us watch do find ways to stir up catfights and just fights in general to simply entertain us and keep their show going.
I think it is sad though how reality shows can end up destroying people's lives and relationships with all of the drama they can bring.


  1. I, sadly, also like this show. I don't know what it is about Bethenny that entertains me. For all practical purposes, she's bossy, bitchy, and lives a life that most of us could never afford. Who wouldn't love to have a full-time nurse, for example, to watch their baby...

    how "real" is that...seriously??

  2. I have never even heard of this show before. Let alone, I don't even know who Bethenny Frankel is. I think our generation especially loves reality television. The prominence of reality programming has really increased in the past ten years and probably about one-third to one-half of the shows created today are reality. I also really enjoy reality television. It's funny when people ask why, it's hard to come up with some concrete answer-- we just do! It's fun to watch how other people live and what they do in their spare time. One thing that I thought was really interesting about your post was how you said on this particular reality program you chose to watch, it doesn't really focus on cat-fights. I feel like most of the reality television today LOVE when people get in arguments and fight. It's so entertaining. So I think it's cool how this reality program goes against the norm in that particular aspect. I'll have to check this show out!

  3. Like Lori I have never heard of this show before. It kinda goes to prove your point that there are so many reality shows, that it is hard to count them all. I'm not a big television guy, but I know that some shows just drag you in and I catch myself watching it for the full episode. I don't think i'm ever gonna watch this show, but I think its interesting how you took a different approach and discussed about a reality show that isn't well known.

  4. I, too, have never heard of this show. It seems like this is one of the few positive reality shows out there. Is she, or was she, famous? The picture looks familiar, but I can't figure out why. I could see this being more popular if she was once an actress. If she is just a regular person, I couldn't really see how this show would get any ratings.

  5. I also have never heard of this show lol I notice it looks pretty positive and there is most definitely too many reality TV shows. I'm glad it wants people to do well in life and isn't just another go out and drink and get women reality show. I think that is all we wanna see anymore and it's sickening. Why can't we watch good shows like this one. I think it's time for a change and this is a great step forward. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  6. I never heard of this show, but it sounds a little different! Its not the typical drama that reality shows are use to showing. People can be interested in all sorts of shows, but this one is different. I dont watch a lot of reality TV, but this one sounds interesting!
