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Friday, April 1, 2011

blog 8 - The Hunger Games!

I actually really enjoyed reading the book The Hunger Games.  I have never read a book like it before and I probably would have never have read it on my own.  I am really glad we were assigned this book because it always made me want to keep going further into this unique story to find out what unanticipated events were going to occur.  I found it to be a really creative way to try to get a point across to readers.  Also, I liked how the ending was both an unusual and unexpected one that would practically impossible to guess.

The Hunger Games reminded me of one of the other books we read, Feed.  It sad how manipulative the leaders or "controllers" of a society can be and how effective they can be at it.  Like for example, in Feed "the feed" along with all of its advertisements managed to control the minds, thoughts, and in turn actions of most of the characters in the novel.  And in The Hunger Games the Capitol managed to as well take hold of the lives of the people in the remaining twelve districts.  It is hard to understand how the people in these societies eventually lose themselves and their individuality while in the process of adhering to their society's norms/rules.  But at the same time if those in charge have the power to control a basic need of the people, like food for those in need of it in The Hunger Games, how can one not do everything they are told if it means life or death? 

One of my favorite moments in the book was when Cato, Katniss, and Peeta were all on top of the cornucopia giving their all to try and avoid the wolf-like creatures that the Gamemakers created and released into the arena.  I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen.  I think my favorite character in the book would have to be Peeta because of how genuine he was all throughout the book.  He never let the Hunger Games get to him and continued to not be affected by the fact that just about everyone was watching him.

I couldn't think of anything that went along with The Hunger Games at first but then I thought of MTV's The Inferno.  I think this show relates to the book in a lot of ways.  Just like in the book, The Inferno is basically like an assortment of many physical challenges in which the contestants have to fight their way until the end.  There are also an equal amount of girls and guys in the show just in the book.  And as it was discussed in class the producers of the show represent the Gamemakers who just wait for bad things to happen.  I really like this intro of The Inferno II because towards the end of it it shows the intensity of the games with the fire and the lining up of the contestants.


  1. I loved this book too! I also made the same connection to Feed. In both novels, there was some sort of control aspect, in which no one could escape from! The scene you described as your favorite was probably one of the most climatic scenes within the same book-- it determined who was going to face death and who was going to escape it. I liked how you said that Peeta was genuine throughout the whole book; you picked a great word to describe him. Although he was putting on somewhat of an act, beneath it all, it was really how he felt. I really like your connection to MTV's Inferno. I used to watch this show when it first game out... all the contestants are fighting their way to win the whole competition.

  2. I agree that I wouldn't have read this book on my own, and I am also happy that I read it. I really like both your connections. I never would have linked this book to Feed, but I think it really makes sense. In both books, the people are controlled by another power. I also used to watch the Inferno all the time, and it is very much like the Hunger Games, without death of course.

  3. I would have never read this book on my own. I like your connections you made. I never watched the inferno before but I can see how it relates. I have to agree with your favorite part of the book when the three last tributes are on top of the cornucopia fighting off the wolves. One thing that amazed me was how good Katniss was with shooting a bow. I really want to read more and find out what happens after they got back to the district.

  4. I usually don't go out of my way to read books. Since I'm in this class it just so happens that I have to or I wouldn't do good on the quizzes. When I started reading this book I didn't think i was going to like it because it started out so slow but I was wrong. I like this book and I can't wait for the movie. I liked your connetion with the real world as well. I couldn't agree more with you. They basically have to survive on their own because the people they are placed with can turn on them at any time.

  5. This was definitely the better book out of the books we have read so far in class and I'm not much of a reader. Your connection to Feed was good, I didn't even think of that! It is true how just like the feeds, the capitol was controlling as well. It was neat how this book kept me guessing what was was going to happen next. Because this book was so suspenseful, I couldn't put it down!
