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Friday, February 4, 2011

blog 3

I did not realize that older adults actually referred to us as being the “dumbest generation”.  It is kind of disappointing to hear this because I believe it is such an unfair term to use.  Watching the video interview in class this past Thursday and finding out whom Mark Bauerlein was and what he had to say kind of gave me mixed feelings on his point of view.  It is not a good thing at all that he views our generation as being incompetent.  I think it would be interesting to hear him talk about what he believes should be done differently in order to help us no longer be the “dumbest generation”.  As I said before I think using the word “dumbest” is an unfair way of describing us.  I like the point that was brought up in class of whether or not the generation before us should know what we know now such as with the technology that is available today.  I never thought of it that way but that is a pretty good argument. 

            In the article I choose from d2l it read, “kids these days are just as smart and motivated as ever” (Newsweek).  I was shocked to see this because at first before I had even read the article I thought it was going to be all about how “dumb”, as Bauerlein would call us, we are.  However, it was not, thankfully.  I completely agree with the statement that we’re “motivated as ever”.  Most of the members in my group disagreed with what Bauerlein called our generation. Just because we have grown up with all of this new technology that does not require us to retain as much information, doesn’t mean we’re dumb.  I think every generation has its own focus, and ours happens to be the many new advancements of technology.  It is both crazy and amazing that our generation had and is continuing to have the unique opportunity to witness some of the major inventions and advancements in this field of technology.  Maybe we are not quite using the technology (we have today) wisely but in time we will manage to figure out what it should be used for and what it shouldn’t be used for through trial and error and follow that path.  I think right now we’re just fascinated with these all of these brand new gadgets but in time we will become better at managing and balancing the relationship we have with this new world and era of technology.


  1. I agree with the statement that you made about having mixed feelings with Bauerlein's viewpoint. Just because we have advanced technology that other generations did not have the opportunity to grow up with, doesn't make us dumb. But I do like how he did give us some credit saying that we are just as smart and motivated as ever. In saying that statement, he gives some merit and credit back to our generation. Just because we don't know the same things his generation and the generations between us doesn't make us dumb. We have learned much more about present day technologies and advances than focusing on the past. I also did not like that Bauerlein didn't really give any suggestions or ideas to make our generation "less dumb".

  2. I didn't believe we were being called the "dumbest generation" either until we had to read these articles. I dont think the generations before us know as much as we do in the technology department. So i believe that makes us smarter in some sense. I know we all don't use the technology to enhance our knowledge all of the time, but that doesn't make us "dumb". Every math professor I've had in college so far has made the homework to be done online, as well as these blogs. Using technology to learn isn't such a bad thing. Its faster and easier. That certainly doesn't make us "dumb" in any way. Like I said on other blogs, if people think our generation is dumb, then what are they going to think about the generations to come? Technology is only going to advance and there will be more of it to come out. I dont't think it serves the purpose of making us "dumber".

  3. We are definately the smartest generation ever. Technology is very important to our generation to not only socialize, but to also learn and invent things. It's a shame that we are seen as dumb, when should be seen as lazy because if anything we do nothing because of the technology accessible to us.

  4. I like what you said about our generation being motivated, but just with a different focus. I think this is a perfect way of putting it. We might not be the most physical, like say a farming generation, but we sure are putting a lot of effort into improving technology. It is improving every day, and I think eventually our generation will have a large part in making technology even better than it is now.

  5. Unfortunately we are called the "dumbest" generation and we can't really make them change their minds. But, if they just think about what they are saying maybe they'll take it back. We have created so many new things and ideas during our generation than before. It's pretty astounding when you think about all the new inventions we have. During the super bowl there was a commercial where you could listen to your News Feed on Facebook through your Bluetooth in your car. Now that might be extremely LAZY, but who would have thought of that. Yeah, that's right OUR GENERATION. We are studs lol
