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Thursday, February 17, 2011

the challenge

          Spending my time without technology has not been too hard, especially during the school week.  There is always so much work to be done for my classes so it keeps me busy and away from technology already.  Not being able to call people on my cell phone has been pretty tough though.  Sometimes I would go to reach for my cell phone to make a call and then I remembered.  I do have to admit though that I did end up having to use my cell phone to text my friend about when and where to meet to eat.  This was the only reason I used my cell phone for.  Other than for that reason I stayed away from it.  It was just too hard to find out when to meet people when you had to without a cell phone.

Avoiding the television during the week was not hard at all for me.  I had a lot of work to do this week so I didn't get a chance to watch some of my favorite shows.  It did not matter too much to me though.  I guess as the week went on the challenge, not so much got easier, but I kind of got use to not using the technology that I normally would use.  While doing this challenge I realized just how much "noise" we surround ourselves with.  Whenever I walk down the hallway there is almost always someone playing music in their room and it is hard not to hear it.  If I heard someone else's music playing and if it was a song that I knew I had to try to just keep on walking down the hallway without singing the lyrics in my head because that would mean I was listening to music haha.  So everytime I heard music in the dining hall or in the dorms I had to try my best to ignore it and concentrate on something else.

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