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Friday, February 11, 2011

blog 4

There was this one section from Henry David Thoreau's Walden that intrigued me.  It was under the section heading Thoreau's Ideas on Modern Technology and Communication.  Thoreau wrote, "Men think that it is essential that the Nation have commerce, and export ice, and talk through a telegraph, and ride thirty miles an hour, without a doubt, whether they do or not; but whether we should live like baboons or like men, is a little uncertain" (Thoreau).  This surprised me because I never would have thought that people during the time around the 1840's would ever feel the way Thoreau did.  It is hard to believe that the people during this era had such a negative view towards technology already.  I remember how we all laughed in class at Thoreau's thought that a man 'riding 30 miles an hour' was somehow ridiculous.  It is kind of funny to think how someone going only 30 miles an hour disturbed Thoreau, but at the same time 30 miles an hour about 170 years ago was considered a fast speed in their eyes.

Thoreau's quote makes me think that if people back then were feeling uncomfortable with the technology they had such as with telegraphs, then we today should feel extremely uncomfortable with the amount and different types of technology that we have today.  Wow, it is almost sickening in a way to begin to think of just how much technology has become so intertwined with our lives and how it is very or shall I say extremely difficult to try to escape from it all.  Our generation is tangled with technology.  This idea kind of goes along with the quote that was on our quiz this past Thursday.  The quote that I am talking about was the one that was from Feed and I think it said something like 'the feed is us' or 'we are the feed'.  That is basically how we are today with technology.  I think it is great the way technology has advanced over the past couple of decades because it has helped so many people in so many different ways.  However, I am talking about when technology has the habit of distracting us from what is really important in our lives.

The fact that we have this extra credit opportunity opportunity makes me take a step back to realize that we really are dependent on the technology that we have today and that it really is truly a "challenge" to try to step away from it.  Honestly, I do not think that I would be able to live for one year in a secluded wood.  It would probably horrify me.  I would not have a problem living without a television, or the internet, or a cell phone, or anything of that nature if I had to, but the biggest "challenge" in that challenge would to be secluded from interacting with other people.  I think we are all so use to being around our friends, family, and peers and even everyday strangers we walk past each and every second that it would be way too bizarre not to talk to or see anyone for one whole year!


  1. I like how you tied Feed to the Thoreau reading. I believe we really are technology. I also find it funny that 30 miles an hour was ever looked at as fast and uncomfortable to someone. I wonder how he would feel now with race cars that go about 200 miles an hour.
    I find it quite disturbing that giving up cell phones is a "challenge" as well. I never really thought of myself as being heavily addicted to technology, but this is making me see that I really am.

  2. I never really thought about how displeasing Thoreau was with the technology they had in his time. You really mad a good point and I'm glad you did. It never even crossed my mind. It's almost like the opposite of today-- we love our technology and have become obsessed with it! I agree with Justin-- all of our readings and discussions is making me realize the extent of our technological addictions. I admire you for saying you think you could live in the woods for a year without technology. I didn't really think of the whole idea of "seclusion" (including people). I too believe it would be extremely difficult to not have any human interaction for a year. Just imagine what your social skills would be like when you got back to the "real world" and how much you have missed.

  3. You're right. We do have several different kinds of technology. It's hard to believe that back then, they were shocked with amount of technology around. Now look at us. We have more technology than some people can handle! Technology has helped us in so many ways. I don't think we are digusted with technology is any sense because of how much it benefits us. Many of us do get very distracted though. So much that it takes away from the things that matter. Unfortunatly, many people don't even realize it. People in our generation like to be extremely social. I think thats why we love our technology so much. Being secluded from people would be a scary thought. What would we do?

  4. I was thinking about how you said we are use to seeing our family, friends and peers everyday and how it would be weird not to have them around. It puts into perspective how important people are to us. Just think back when there wasn't technology families and friends use to play games and socialize without tv's and phones. I believe they enjoyed it, but now sometimes if I interupt a TV show when a friend or family member is watching it they get upset. I would rather interact with my family and friends rather then staring at the TV for hours with them.

  5. Yes I agree with many of your comments. Technology is one of the most important things in our life and without it we would have a ton of trouble. Being secluded isn't something we want to do but i could totally do it if i had my friends and gf lol

    I just feel as if we are way too lazy to even do these extra credit things and have the kids are going to give up in a couple days. I know I already thought about it but i'm gonna try my best to get these 30 points. We are a social generation and that is final.
